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Warriors take care of Business in AZ

Setter Pawel Tuz photo by Adrian Wilson
Setter Pawel Tuz photo by Adrian Wilson

By: SID Chase Dodge

Westcliff had a very tough preseason taking on top 10 teams and D1 opponents. All that tough competition seems to pay off during conference. Westcliff took care of business against the Buccaneers.

Westcliff took the match 3-1; 22-25, 25-18, 25-21, 25-16

Standout performances from Andy Jaszcynski, Gabriel Pizza, John Rzepniewski and Pawel Tuz.

Pizza led the team with 15 Kills with a hitting percentage of .364 with 10 digs.

Jaszcynski and Rzepniewski followed it up with 12 kills and 7 kills. Rzepniewski led the team with 8 total blocks.

Tuz put in his most impressive performance with 38 assists, 6 digs and 3 blocks.

Coaches Notes

"We started slow but found our rhythm. Did a great job at first ball execution. We did a great job establishing our middles. 

John & Jordan did a great job offensively to create a leverage over Park.
We continue looking to improve on our defense. We want to do a better job at converting points to gain leads early & consistent momentum. 
Earlier this week we played UCSD who was difficult but we understood in that match that we can hang with any program.
For us it's about our side, staying in our system & our consistency."
Westcliff will take on #2 Benedictine Friday at 6pm pst.