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Championship Thursday: A 2-for-1 Special

2023 Men's and Women's GSAC Tennis Champions.
2023 Men's and Women's GSAC Tennis Champions.
By Francisco Claudio
We'll call it Championship Thursday.
The Westcliff men's and women's tennis teams have both been crowned the 2023 GSAC Tennis Champions after an impressive display on Thursday at the Surprise Tennis & Racquet Complex, in Arizona.
The Warriors had to battle hard in order to secure the win in what otherwise might look like a one-sided victory for both, 4-0.
But it was special to experience and watch as the accumulation of months of hard work, team building, and culture setting was all rewarded with achieving their goal.
Westcliff is fortunate to have a lot of talented players on the team that are passionate about their craft and it showed on the most important day.
You could also hear it.
The Warriors tennis team has established a pregame battle cry that lets everyone know, they're here, and they're ready for you.
"Let's go Warriors!" can be heard before the start of every match from the Westcliff side.
And the Warriors were adamant about bringing the best energy on this day and overwhelming the opponent with their cheering.
We caught up with assistant coach Myrohn Miranda after the celebrations: "Today the huge difference was the energy for the men. The last time that we went to their place we were a little bit tight because of the lack of energy"
"Today we embraced that and they did an amazing job bringing all the energy from all the courts in singles and doubles."
Just like the previous days, energy was one of the main focuses for the Warriors during this trip because they knew it was one of the factors they could control.
And if they could control the energy, everyone knew that they had enough to win the title.
The goal was always the championship title.
"To develop a championship team with Ross," said assistant coach Michael Longanecker about his goals before the season started. "To collaborate and prepare both teams as best as possible to win a national title.
"So this is the start of the journey."
Expectations are high within the staff of the tennis team of what they are capable of accomplishing, but it's only fair because there is a lot of talent.
Felix Veyhle is one of the cornerstones for the men's team and is able to keep a calm demeanor even in tense scenarios.
Max Mueller, another cornerstone for the team, brings the fire and is one of the voices everyone listens to and respects the most.
Zak Khalil wears his opponents down with long rallies with that topspin forehand of his and his passion and intensity can be heard in every point.
Angel Melgar can seem a little bit quieter on the court, but there is nothing quiet about his game, especially his kick-serve on the ad side of the court.
Maxence Kupfert is one of the few that hits a one-handed backhand, and it's a thing of beauty to see him work it in the rallies and out-duel his opponent.
Loick Cherruy's serve is such a huge weapon that instantly gives him the edge on his service game, setting him up for a powerful forehand down the line.
Arthur Bellagy, the Warriors' single No.1, his consistency and calmness on the court give him the edge every time.
The women's team is just as talented.
Marielena Muench who is the leader and voice of the team is such a hard worker who puts in so much time perfecting her craft.
Emilse Ruiz will keep to herself on the court, never showing too many highs or lows. But next thing you know, she will have won the set 6-1, she's that good.
Kanon Sorakubo is so talented and has an elite overall game from her flat forehand to her consistent backhand, oh and she's a lefty.
Alessia Radu won't give up after being down in the set and uses her slice backhands to push back her opponents during rallies.
Lilian Burth is consistent and will play long rallies against her opponents.
Neele Menssen uses her height to whip up some big serves and has the advantage in every service game.
Lou Dupuis is solid in doubles and is able to keep calm and cool. Dupuis is an ideal double partner for any.
"This is a really tight family, they do everything together," said Longanecker. "They go to the gym together, train together, and eat dinner together. They're very tight-knit.
"So they really wanted to win this not just for themselves, but for each other."
"They're all talented," said Longanecker. "But there are so many talented teams out there, so it's not just talent.
"You know, they have that sort of blood bond I suppose, that gives just a little bit extra motivating edge in the big moments."
Up next for both teams, they have set up a date in the NAIA Tennis Championships that will take place May 16-20 in Mobile, Alabama.